Don’t Secularize Your Christian Writing

Christian Non-Fiction | Devotional | Apologetics

As Christians, I firmly believe we are to uplift Christian values and increase the Kingdom of God within the kingdom of man. However, we can’t do that if we are bowing to worldly thinking and trying to somehow marry our values to those of the world. They are not compatible—just glance through your Bible to find out why.

Christian authors, like any author, wants people to read what they wrote. I don’t set pen to paper for my own benefit; I want others to read it! I don’t feel there is anything wrong with having such a goal. But neither should Christians bow to the worldly pressure of trying to sate fleshly appetites as a way to reach a broader audience.

Don’t write trash simply because the world is willing to consume it. Don’t compromise your own values—even in your writing.

And don’t blame God for your compromise. Too many Christian authors try to toss in, “But the Holy Spirit told me to write it this way!” No, God will never encourage you to stoop to the world’s level, to write profanity, to write sexually explicit material, or to uplift the garbage of the world.

Stay away from:

  1. Profanity
  2. Sexually explicit material
  3. Glorifying sin
  4. Trying to reach a broader audience by secularizing your content

Let’s stay true to our Christian values and produce content that impacts the world for Christ.

Happy writing, folks!