Stressin’ Over Stress

No more stress! Well, we all wish for that anyway. Unfortunately, it is impossible to go through life without stress. This helpful eBook explores SIX methods on handling and dealing with stress. These methods have been wildly successful in people’s lives. They have given renewed energy and purpose to people and helped them to live lives—not stress free—but with the capacity to conquer it and rule the stress in their lives.

You don’t have to let stress rule your life any more. No matter what your walk in life is, you can handle your stress more efficiently. Avoid panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, and the physical problems created by stress.

When even the normal retinue of life is stressful, the impact is felt across every relationship and every aspect of your life. These methods give you the hands-on-tools you need to deal with the stress in your life.

P.S. You can get this ebook free if you sign up for my periodic newsletter!


Dealing With Stress


  • Stress Handling Methods – 6
  • Pages – 40 (PDF version)
  • PDF works with Kindle / Nook.
  • Filled with practical examples
  • Fully annotated with Scriptural references
  • Instant Download


There is no way to avoid the difficulties of life that will apply pressure to you. Some people go through life shell-shocked. They bounce from one disaster to another. In many cases, this is avoidable. You don’t need to live a life that verges on the edge of disaster. With these six simple methods,  you can reduce the impact that stressful situations have on your life. You can walk tall despite the pressure that is being brought to bear on you.

People seek to eliminate stressful situations, but too often their efforts end up either creating more problems or they pretend it just doesn’t exit. Both situations are not good. You can, however, deal with pressure and situations that allow you to reduce its impact and give you the strength to carry on. This book covers six biblical methods of handling stress in your life.