I read your book on Christian publishing and it was just what I needed!!! It took me into prayer, and I thank you. I hope to purchase your editorial services once I've reached my 4th draft in my story. Truly thank you, pastor, and God bless you!
Kevin Clark
Aspiring AuthorWritten for the Christian Writer
This book brings a unique perspective on the Christian writing and publishing world. To begin with, I pastored for thirteen years in Colorado, giving me a strong pastoral passion and love for the people and things of God. In fact, my first two published works were based on a series of sermons I preached. I have also been a professional freelance editor going on ten years, having edited Christian manuscripts that range from devotionals to Christian science fiction. Lastly, I am a published author with nearly twenty published books as of this writing. I’ve published both nonfiction and fiction and have been published traditionally as well as plunged into the world of self-publishing and literary agencies. Being a pastor, editor, and author means I’ve come to know the pitfalls that exist in both writing and publishing Christ-honoring, Christian literature.
The advice given here is partly pastoral in nature but falls heavily on the editor/author perspective. Below are just a few of the subjects covered in this guide:
- Honoring God and Jesus Christ in your writing
- Developing a cost and time analysis of writing and publishing a book
- Nonfiction writing guidelines
- Fiction writing guidelines
- Copyright laws and plagiarism no-nos
- Copyright issues when quoting from modern Bible versions
- Proper styling for biblical references
- Proper capitalization rules for God and the Bible
- Dealing with sensitive material and subjects for a Christian audience
- When to submit your manuscript to an editor
- What to look for and expect from an editor
- Understanding the editing process
- Interior layout and formatting guidelines
- Cover design guidelines
- The different types of publishing
- Copyrighting Your Work and ISBN Numbers
- Determining what type of publishing is best for you
- Pros and cons of traditional publishing and self-publishing
- And much more!
With this guide, you will be armed with the information needed to make informed decisions to better see the vision God has give you come to fruition and not fall prey to the sharks out there seeking to capitalize on your love for Christ and desire to help others.